I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


HOW GREAT IS GOD?!  I Hope You Have Experienced Him for yourself!  I truly do!

On the 13th, I went to read my bible under the tree next to PNC.  Nothing but His Grace!  In the midst of the traffic, trucks, construction and people coming in and out...I heard the bird's song and I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me.  Yes Lord and thank You!

I took a break and walked over to the McDonald's.  I asked God if I could have find a small rock, shaped like a heart.  Yes, says the Lover of My Soul!  He gave it to me.  Perfect!  Earlier that morning...what a PRAISE!  Tears and praise...more tears and more praise!  GOD You alone know why!

June 14th...lunch with Alex!  Yummy Noodles and Company.  Yummy company!  We always have a time of prayer!  I cannot believe my son has to bend down to hug me!

June 15th...breakfast and fellowship with Jessie.  I shared the gospel with Lavonda.  Jessie was running late and as a result, God used it for good!  I had to repent for having to be so punctual.  LORD keep crucifying this flesh!

I had the sweetest visit with K and Ms. Kay!  We talked about her family's recent visit and she allowed me to read Isaiah 43:10 to her.  And we said, Amen!  I prayed with her before I left and WOW God!  A sweet moment with Laura while leaving out.  She does not believe.  Lord capture her heart and change her mind.

Saturday morning, I had many answered prayers. First of all I wanted to be in bed by 11:00pm the night prior!  PRAISE!  I was in bed by 2254! LOL
Next, I wanted to be done with my packing by 0730 hours.  My prayer time begins at that time and I wanted everything by the door and I wanted to be seated in my prayer chair talking with the Lord!  #Accomplished!

0830 hours, I was in the car and headed to Akron!  I stopped to get a cup of coffee.  They just brewed it.  Yay and Thank YOU Lord!  I stopped by the Wagner's to drop of Tori's gift.  They had visitors packing up to leave.  We had a sweet time of prayer.  You know I was crying...I'm such a cry baby for Jesus!

After warming up my coffee at the 7/11, I put the address in my GPS and hit the road!  I was so excited.  It was a beautiful day!  I love looking for the GINORMOUS Scriptures on the Billboards throughout Pennsylvania.  I saw 3-4 of them!  WOW GOD!  YOU are LARGE and in CHARGE!!!

I had prayed for a DEVINE Appt...actually, I was expecting many!  I'm so funny.  It was getting close and I had about 2 more hours to drive.  I was so proud of myself for not "pigging" out in the car.  All I had was water in addition to the coffee earlier in the day.

I walked into the Rest Stop and smiled wide, looking for someone to share His Good News with.  I didn't hear from the Holy Spirit.  I walked around looking for something to nibble on and still...no nudging from the Spirit!

Later it was about 3pm or so and I was doing some self-talk...No to Quizno's, something quick from the market, no Burger King, no Panera and no to Cracker Barrel.  I was down to either choosing Chick-fil-A or Wendy's.  Getting down to the wire...I decide against Chick-fil-A because I didn't want their fries and preferred Wendy's #6...Life is so not about me and my appetite!

DEVINE APPOINTMENT FOR SURE!  TO GOD BY THE GLORY!!! Witnessed to Abraham, Tiriq, Brittney and Julia.  And then Tania and Steven were in the dining area charging their phone and she heard me talking.  She said, "Steven, she's a Christian!"

He came at just the right time.  He used to smoke weed and shared with Abraham how God delivered him.  It was beyond perfect timing and it was ALL GOD!

Got to dad's around 8:15 pm and I was done.  I was more Spiritual exhausted!  LORD You showed up in a BIG way!

More later...so, so much more!