I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Monday, October 21, 2019

He is still GOD and still good...PRAISE

Father God I PRAISE YOU!  I thank You for so many praises and so many answered prayers!

I am unable to keep up with You.  I'm having such an #adventure trying to document the prayers and the praises.  I have several prayer journals, a prayer room and many places where I delight in meeting with and being still with You.  I love when I sit in my orange birthday chair in the bedroom by the window.  I love the striped chair in the living room by the balcony door.  I love the night time hours in bed with my spotlight lamp.  I love those moments when I just get my bible tools, jump in the car and go away with You.  I love the prayer time spent with Michelle.  I love the Prayer and Care tears on Tuesdays with the women of Grace.  I love the group text "prayer partners" and I love those who I can strongly depend on to pray for me and my family when I am exhausted, when I forget and when I just do not have the words.

THANK YOU FOR ALL the ways in which You have richly blessed my life and the ministries that You have entrusted to me.  Thank You for the special time that I got to spend with Regenna and Karen at the Sight and Sound Theater.  We saw JESUS and wow.....I never know when I'm going to cry and when I did, it was when Jesus hung on the Cross.  This was the first time that I saw a play and a body was hanging on the Cross.
We had such a fun time together and Your PRESENCE was felt.  We always glorify You and You always bless us.  Thank You for the penny You gave me when I arrived at the parking lot early and thank You for the penny You gave me at the end of the night at the 7/11 front door.

Thank You for continually being the Overseerer of my #grangirls.

Thank You for the ways in which You are revealing Yourself to my son.

Thank You that Your eyes are on my daughter!

Thank You for providing for JT and keeping him healthy!

I have been crying and praying and reading and praying and crying and seeking YOU!
You have been ever so faithful.  You have been my safe place, my refuge.  You have been the voice in my ear.  I am so grateful that Your sheep know Your voice.  I am so grateful that You hear my prayers.  Thank You for Psalm 91.

YOU are a God who hears the cries of His people.

Thank You for Your promise that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective!

Thank YOU for that ORANGE Cross someone painted on the shelf at the store as mom and I stopped to talk about T.

Thank You for all the pennies You've placed along my path, reminding me of the agreement I made with You to trust YOU!

Small things were answered:  I wanted lemons from the Women's Retreat in Waldorf.  I wanted some Kleenex at the Women's dinner at Bethel Church.  The lady at my table wanted a hair dryer during the raffle.  Not to mention the penny You gave me from the drive thrus... Golden Skillet and Wendy's...YOU answered all those... Your Word says that You care about the raven's and You clothe the lillies...are WE NOT MORE Important than that?!

GREAT is THY FAITHFULNESS....again and again...great is Thy faithfulness!

I praise You that Nola and Lily are praying for my family!

GOD only You know why, but it seems as if I'm deep in the valley of tears, yet I see YOU everywhere and I cannot stop PRAISING You!  Everywhere I look, there You are!  Thank You for using Dr. Stanley to minister to me in the late hours of the night well into the morning.  He still speaks to my spirit and You are still using him mightily.

AMAZING what happens to a soul that says, "YES" to God!

Keep using him and keep using me...I am willing Lord.  My flesh is indeed week, but I am willing.

A #Ginormous THANK YOU! For the third time, I desperately needed YOU and #again, You said, "I AM!"

Keep me in the center of Your will and as the apple of Your eye!

EVEN when... help me to #TRUST You!  Not what I see, but YOU!

I will PRAY without ceasing!  I will PRAISE You, as long as I have breath!

This is not my life, but the life YOUR Son died to give me.

In Jesus' name, helped me to cling to the Cross!  Please help me to live out my calling, to live out my salvation with fear and trembling, I pray. Amen!