I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Birthday and Blog PRAISE

God I thank YOU that You gifted my sweet son with a 30th Birthday!  I thank You that today, on this brand new day of grace and mercy...only having the ability to say that because JESUS CHRIST is LORD...thank You GOD.  Today, what a PRAISE!  I was able to attend worship service with my 30 year old son and his stepmom, Barbara "a mighty woman of God!"

Oh what mistakes I've made in my life, in my past....BUT GOD and His Grace...BUT GOD and His Mercy...BUT GOD and His FORGIVENESS...

Yes, I've made tons of mistakes, but it's all under the Blood of Jesus!  Yes, the blood of Jesus washes me!  What a service, what a sermon and what a Savior.  I love those who teach and preach just as it is in the Word of God.

The Pastor does not know me and met me for the first time today, AFTER the sermon.  However, in the message, he referred to all of my favorite scriptures...Psalm 37:4, Romans 8:28, John 4 and John 10:10.  What a GOD!

We stood at the alter, we were forgiven, anointed, and prayed over!  Not just us, but every member of our household...YES, Tatiana, Jazmine and Tyonna....parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and in-laws.  FATHER I PRAY that You would make me a godly influence.  In Jesus' name, sanctify me and use me!

We had communion and praise...worship and praise...spiritual food and praise!  John chapter 12..."after Jesus raised (you) from the dead, what did you do?"  Personal question for reflection...

Father, thank YOU that I have told countless people about YOU and by YOUR Grace alone, I will still PRAISE YOUR name because this is not my life.  In no way did I sign up for this.  YOU came for me when I wasn't even looking for redemption, restoration or reconciliation.  BUT I did not reject the gospel and I PRAISE YOU for that!  Your Holy Spirit pursued me and I said, "Yes!"

I also praise YOU because of google and blogspot, I am able to print my blogs in book format and share them with my children and grandchildren.  May all that I say and do give testimony to who I used to be, how YOU came along and cleaned me up for Your namesake, and for Your perfect and pleasing will.

It's good and pleasing because I know the life I led before....not going back there....In Jesus' name, I'm not going back to Egypt!  AMEN!