I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


While driving toward Ohio, the sun/Son was basking on me, His chosen and favorite one, I used my earbuds and had the sweetest fellowship with Missy, my sister in the faith :-)

She moved away and I love and miss her dearly. We always share our praises, heartfelt burdens, trials and the HOPE we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.  We get to encourage one another, cry together from time to time, as we reveal our deepest prayer request, and we get to laugh out loud because of the authentic fellowship that comes from being His.

The PRAISE aside from Jesus being Lord of #our lives is that He reunited us from our New Carrolton days.  In my youth, my big sister and I lived in an apartment complex with our mom off of 85th Ave..  I think I was in the 7th grade.  Missy and I are about five years apart and back then her big sister and my big sister were friends.  We had no idea until Valentine's Day of 2014.

I had a single girls "get together" and Missy overheard me talking about my sister. That's when she remembered the name from her youth.  As we talked more, she called her sister to verify that it was in fact true.  Yes, it turned out that we were neighbors when we were young.  We could not believe it.  ONLY Jesus could have woven our lives together again, on Purpose for His Purpose.

I remember when I first met Missy. I was locked out of my condo and instead of going to the 8:15 service, I had to wait for the Locksmith.  Afterward, I attended the 10:45 service.  It was there that I met Melissa and her beloved son, Josh.  They were seated behind me and I loved them instantly.  Overtime, we became friends and discovered that in addition to our prior address, we had lots of stuff in common.  PRAISE THE LORD for Reuniting us.  I love praying for her and her (Four Kings) and I love how we have seen the Lord answer so many of the prayers that we've prayed so far. 

God we are fully TRUSTING You and we are #expecting more answered prayers because You said that if we have #faith the size of a mustard seed...YOU would do the rest.  Increase our faith Lord! We love You, we need YOU and we Praise You!