I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Thursday, June 28, 2018

More Akron PRAISE

What another AMAZING day walking in the Spirit.  GOD IS SO FAITHFUL! I walked all the way up the right side of the street praising GOD, singing and praying….looking and listening…Said a few “hellos” and then as I was turning around, ready to walk back on the left side, “telling the Lord” Okay God, I’m turning around…
And there HE goes…first conversation was with Myron.  I saw him walking toward the school in uniform and thought he was a coach.  I asked if he knew the Lord and he said, “Yes.”  We talked and he did.  Hes’ 17 and loves the Lord.  I told him to stay on his path and influence the youth with the Gospel!  He was very encouraged and thanked me.  I was blessed by him being young and grounded in his faith.  

Next, WOW!  Yummy conversation with T, a groundskeeper for the school.  The Holy Spirit has his attention as I shared Christ with him.  His dad is ill and it was a perfect chance to talk about heaven.  He was so grateful for the GOOD News.  Let’s pray he’ll give his life to Jesus!  Father may the seeds bear fruit in Jesus’ name. AMEN! 
I walked on singing and praising GOD and saw Sabastian sitting in a truck with his cross on.  I talked with him briefly about the LORD.  He’s 23 and going to be volunteering at youth camp.  I told him to make a difference in the life of those kids and to look for the ones who seem sad or disconnected from the others.  We prayed in advance for the kids he will impact in the name of Jesus!