I've known Christ for almost 12 years. Since receiving Salvation, my life has been one incredible blessing after another (John 1:16). I journal regularly and still, my thoughts and pen can not keep up with Him. Blogging is so natural for me. It also affords me the chance to click on this blog when I need to remember HIS faithfulness. I want those who doubt to know that God is good and His goodness is for all. I'm not His favorite, though I like to tease my friends and family by saying that I am. I oftentimes sign my letters and cards, ("Neicy! The one whom Jesus loves.) I may not be His favorite, but I am His Princess Bride and have been documenting my journey on that (blog) as well. I hope you delight in something I've shared and see that HE rewards those who seek Him with their whole hearts. (Read Hebrews 11:6).

Friday, January 12, 2018

Praising Him In Public PRAISE

I can truly PRAISE GOD ALL DAY LONG, day after day...because HE is Praiseworthy!

I was just blogging on my other blog about His faithfulness and I am reminded of something I must share and am compelled to PRAISE Him once again!

While in Ghana, I purchased a small yellow hair comb with a mirror on the opposite side.  Because I had my barber cut my hair down really low before our trip, the little treasure was just what I needed.  As soon as I purchased it, I rejoiced and praised: "Thank You Jesus!"  The cashier smiled and some of her peers smiled and laughed.  I turned and asked if any of them had praised Him today!  They smile some more.  There may be a language barrier, but JESUS is indeed UNIVERSAL!!!

The next time I went to the Market, the cashier, Carolyn asked if I had a bible.  It completely stunned me.  I'd never had anyone ask me if I had a bible.  I looked into my backpack and gave her a copy of "Our Daily Bread."  I told her that I would give her a bible.

The next visit to the store, she asked again, but I did not have the bible yet.  I gave her another copy, Our Daily Bread, but a different version.  The one I'd given her was laid flat on the counter as she was currently reading it!  WOW-God!

Later that night, Ellen gave me several miniature copies of the New Testament.  I put one in my bag to give to Carolyn, however, we did not make it to the Market.

A few days later, we had to pack for an overnight Crusade and I'd removed all of my books and only packed my Prayer Journal and Bible.  Unknown to me, we made a stop by the Market.  I did not get out of the van, but Carolyn quickly approached me, stuck her head and bright smile in the window, once again, inquiring about her bible.  I felt the Lord saying, give her something NEW!  I told her that I had not forgotten about her.  She shared the (miniature new testament) that she had in her purse.  This confirmed that I was to purchase her a brand new bible.

There is no way to shorten this post:  As we were headed to the Crusade, the Mission van broke down on the side of the road.  It really put a strain on Pastor Fosu and our upcoming schedule.  BUT GOD USED it for His Glory!  The bible store was not close and I was not sure when we would make it there, if at all.  But because we needed to later check on the progress and price of the van, I was able to make a quick stop at the Book Store, owned by Ms. Cecilia, and purchase a beautiful purple Women's Devotional Bible for my little sister in the faith, Carolyn.  Oh what JOY filled my heart!

What does God do when you honor Him?  He blesses you even more so.  Of course I wrote a letter of encouragement on the inside and prayed over it!  When I gifted Carolyn with her new treasure, she smiled so wide...but not only that, when we visited the Market again, two of her friends approached me asking if I had anymore bibles.

The  former police officer in me started to think:  How can I accomplish this?  We were scheduled to leave in 2-3 days and there was no way I would be able to alter our plans and go back to the store.

This is what the Spirit of the Lord said:  "Ask Emman to do it for you."  I asked our driver and friend, Emmanuel if he could take my US Currency to the bank, exchange it for Ghana Cities, go the Bookstore, get two more bibles and take them to the Market for Cecilia and Rebecca?  He without hesitation, smile and said, "Yes."  I also included a note for him to give to Mrs. Cecilia.  I asked her if she would pray over the bibles befoer giving them to Emmanuel?  I know she will gladly do so.  The LIGHT of CHRIST shown brightly in her!

Out of gratitude, I gave Emman a love offering so that he'd be able to take his beloved wife, Gladys out to dinner.  He smiled so wide.  He said that they had only one date in their one year of being married.